Table of derivatives

The differentiation formula

Elementary functions

  1. The derivative of the number
  2. The derivative of x
  3. The derivative degree
  4. Derivative of root
  5. The derivative of a fraction
  6. Derivative e
  7. The derivative of the number of degree
  8. Derivative of the natural logarithm
  9. The derivative of the logarithm
  10. Derivative of sine
  11. Derivative of cosine
  12. Derivative of tangent
  13. Derivative of cotangent
  14. The derivative of the inverse sine
  15. The arc cosine, the derivative of
  16. The derivative of the arctangent
  17. Derivative of arc cotangent

The derivative of the

Rules of differentiation

The derivative of a constant number

The derivative of the sum

Derivative works

The derivative fraction

Derivative of a composite function (function of function)

If and , i.e.,

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